In case you have finished Netflix, done all your spring cleaning and played all the old video games and board games at the back of the cupboard, you can visit this page and find some new MM&H creative activities and games to play.
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No Dice?
We got you covered. Download our DIY dice template.

Comic Creators
Cartoons are part of American culture. From Disney to Peanuts and from Dr Seuss to the Simpsons, they are part of our everyday lives. Maybe you are the next Walt Disney or Charles Schultz! Why not start now with MM&H Comic Creators challenge…
Make your own comic! Download any of the pages below by holding down the “s” key and right-clicking on an image, or download all pages from the button below. We have given you a kickstart drawing on each page for you to build your story around. You can add your own characters and invent you own world. If you prefer blank frames to work with, you can download a blank frames PDF. When you finish your page (or entire comic) – share it on a favorite social media channel and tag us @markmigdalhayden and #MMHcomicchallenge
Caption Challenge!
Try our Caption Challenge. In our experience, it is hard to beat the imagination of a 2-4 year old when you ask them “what is happening?” or “what will happen next?” but give it a go – take them on if you dare and share the funniest caption (theirs or yours) as an image on Instagram or Facebook. Tag us @markmigdalhayden and use hashtag #MMHCaptionChallenge
Your favorite captions will be exhibited at our offices when the lockdown is lifted.

Who Said That? (Quiz)
How good are you at famous quotes? This quiz will test that knowledge to its limits with just fifteen questions. Elect a Quizmaster and download the PDF to their smart phone. For iPhones, “copy to Books” for the best experience. If any of the players need a hint, double tap on the magnifying glass to reveal a clue…